Our skin can take a hit during the festive season. Christmas drifts from our normal routine with lots to celebrate which means a lot of us drink more alcohol than you usually would, consuming more sugary and processed foods, perhaps skipping skincare routines, and wearing more makeup, all whilst getting less sleep than normal. This can lead to numerous issues for your complexion as your body digests all the extra treats, leading to blemishes, blocked pores, oilier skin, and under-eye circles.
If you are looking to get your skin back on track. Dr. Hayley has 3 detox beauty tips to start getting your skin health back to normal and bring back your glow!
1. Hydration!

A higher alcohol consumption and eating more sugary foods can dehydrate the body and therefore your skin. This leads to your skin looking dull and fine lines are more noticeable than normal. Drinking more water is vital in flushing out toxins from our body which is so important in keeping your complexion bright and hydrated. It also accelerates our digestive system so toxins are flushed out even faster, leading to less breakouts and excess oil.
2. Exfoliation

There is nothing better than having a good clean after Christmas and this should be no different to your skin. Exfoliating your face to get rid of dead skin cells can help brighten your complexion and clear pores for less breakouts. Scrubbing your skin will give it a fresh start and look more radiant and smoother.
3. Cleanse & extract

If you are suffering with breakouts after all the festive fun, perhaps it is time to book yourself for a Hydrafacial. A HydraFacial can give your skin a deep cleanse and extract all the impurities and gunk that is essential to give your skin the re-boot it needs to look fresh and rejuvenated.